Monday, January 28, 2013

Fantastic Four Reward Values

Well, it being the last day I figured I would give my input on the value of the upcoming rewards for the Fantastic Four event. Marvel War of Heroes events appear to always offer rewards that are nice compared to other TCG, and in this case they are some of the nicest.

Marvel War of Heroes The Master Dr. Doom:

Marvel War of Heroes Guide Doctor Doom 

Dr. Doom is the top reward and currently I would estimate that he will be going for close to 400PP each based on what I've seen people offer thus far. At those prices...sell him. He is a great card no doubt, the best for some time probably, but the deck price to make him effective is too high.

To put it into perspective. You will need five Tactic Villains cards to get the most out of him (Tactics boosts + Wild Villains skill), which means you will wither need five of him, or three Dr. Doom and two Magneto wings. Doom and Magneto are the two most expensive cards in the game making the deck cost about 2800ish PP.

For that amount of PP, you could have Five Legend Spideys with close to 1500PP to spare and there is NO defense deck that can beat Five Legend Spideys. This makes it absolutely pointless to pick up a Doom deck over Spidey. 

Marvel War of Heroes Oathbound Silver Surfer:

Marvel War of Heroes Guide Silver Surfer

Silver Surfer is the 'runner up' of rewards. Of course the amount of them will be abundant since 3400 will be given out for 301-2000, and another 3000 will be given out for 2000-5000. On top of this, another 100 will be given out to all members of each top 100 orders, so about another 3000-3500. This makes for close to 10,000 Surfers being on the market, or 5,000 UR+ Oathbounds once they are all combined.

Now, the cards skill is awesome and it fits nicely in bruiser decks which have recently become popular as a result of the inexpensive cards. Because of this I would estimate that it sells for 20-25 just because of the sheer number of them. Anybody paying over 30 for them should just wait a week or two, because high level players will be looking to sell and there are close to 10,000 of them.

Marvel War of Heroes Black Leopard Black Panther:

 Marvel War of Heroes Guide Black Panther

So, Black Panther will be the interesting card. I recommend that players max him and combine him to his final form if they can in preparation of the next event. Black Panther's value will be completely determined by what the upcoming event is. If the next event is a raider event again, you can expect Black Panther's to sell for 10-15PP each. If it's a SHIELD training siege card, don't expect to get much more than 5-6PP out of it.

Marvel War of Heroes Red in the Ledger Black Widow:

Marvel War of Heroes Guide Red in the Ledger Black Widow

Red in the Ledger Black Widow won't be worth much at all. She will be so common that the idea of getting much more than 1-2PP each out of her would surprise me. Even as an event card most players will be pushing to acquire Panthers leaving Widow in the dust.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Fantastic Four Raider Cards

The Fantastic Four Raider Cards are used to do additional damage to the boss. These cards are completely necessary to ranking highly in the Fantastic Four Raider Event in Marvel war of Heroes.

Fantastic Four Raider Card 1:

Fantastic Four Raider Card Sky Rider Silver Surfer

Sky-Rider Silver Surfer: 1000% upgrade on ATK! 2000% when Fused! The damage cap on this card is removed allowing it to hit over the previous 99999 cap. Only attainable in trade or from card packs.

Fantastic Four Raider Card 2:

Marvel war of heroes Idol of Millions The Thing

Idol of Millions The Thing: 800% upgrade on ATK! 1700% when Fused! Damage cap of 99,999. Only attainable in trade or from card packs.

Fantastic Four Raider Card 3:

Marvel War of Heroes Unseen Power Invisible Woman

Unseen Power Invisible Woman: 400% upgrade on ATK! 900% when Fused! Attainable from Red Shard Packs or trade.

Fantastic Four Raider Card 4:

Marvel war of heroes Diamond Lady Emma Frost

Diamond Lady Emma Frost: 250% upgrade on ATK! 600% when Fused! Attainable from previous event or trade.

Fantastic Four Raider Card 5: 

Matchstick Johnny Human Torch: 150% upgrade on ATK! 400% when Fused! Attainable from Red Shards packs or trade.

Fantastic Four Raider Card 6:

Mister Elastic Mr. Fantastic: 120% upgrade on ATK! 300% when Fused! Attainable from pretty much any type of card pack and trade.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Marvel Card Tier List

So, I decided to create a full tier list so people could see how each card in the UR and SSR relate to each other. For this list I will be comparing final M/M cards. This way people can visualize which cards are better than which. This order is based on which cards are the most powerful, not based on market price. My standards for power come from the attack power, the buff, and the proc rate of the buff. Cards are listed as Name - # ATK or #/# if it has a dual purpose skill - Buff - Proc Rate.

  1. UR Spiderman - 12238 ATK - Extremely intensify ATK of your Speed Cards. (Relatively High)
  2. UR Dr Doom - Extremely intensify ATK of your Tactics Cards. (Average)
  3. UR Magneto - 12880 ATK - Extremely degrade DEF all of opponent's Cards. (Average)
  4. UR Iron Man - 11995/12236 - Extremely intensify ATK and DEF of your Tactics Cards. (Relatively High)  
  5. UR Wolverine - 12977/11254 - Extremely intensify ATK and DEF on this Card. (Average)
  6. UR Hulk - 13396 ATK - Extremely intensify ATK on this Card. (Low)
  7. SSR Ghost Rider (Original) - 11254 ATK - Significantly intensify ATK of your Speed Cards. (Average)
  8. UR Silver Surfer - 11835/12398 - Extremely intensify ATK and DEF of this Card. (Average)
  9. UR Cyclops - 12398/11835 - Significantly degrade ATK and DEF of opponent's Tactics Cards. (Average)
  10. SSR Phoenix Force - 11270 ATK - Significantly degrade DEF on all of opponent's Cards. (Average)
  11. SSR Professor X - 10338 ATK - Significantly intensify ATK of your Tactics Cards. (Average)
  12. SSR Thor - 10144 ATK - Significantly intensify attacks on your Bruiser Cards. (Average)
  13. SSR Juggernaut - 10948/10128 -  Significantly intensify ATK and DEF of this Card. (Relatively High)
  14. SSR Iron Fist - 10594 ATK - Significantly intensify ATK of this Card. (Relatively High)
  15. SSR Hulk - 11432 ATK - Significantly intensify attack of this Card. (Very Low)
  16. SSR Annihilus - 10788 ATK - Significantly intensify ATK and DEF of this Card. (Average)
  17. SSR Ghost Rider (New) - 10997 ATK - Significantly degrade DEF of opponent's Bruiser Cards. (Average)
  18. SSR Wolverine - 10869 ATK - Significantly degrade DEF of opponent's Tactics Cards. (Average) 
  19. SSR Spiderman - 10401/10079 - Significantly intensify ATK and DEF of all your Cards. (Average) 
  20. SSR Silver Surfer - 10000/10482 - Significantly intensify ATK and DEF of this Card. (Average)
  21. SSR Black Cat - 9500/10982 -  Significantly intensify ATK and DEF of your Speed Cards. (Average)
  22. SSR Loki - 10466 ATK - Significantly degrade DEF on opponent's Speed Cards. (Average)
  23. SSR Mr. Fantastic - 9982/10498- Significantly degrade ATK and DEF of opponents Speed Cards. (Relatively High)
Spider-man is a better card than Magneto, period, but Magneto is number two. After that Iron Man wins because his buff is to the entire deck. Wolverine beats hulk because the 400pt stat difference doesn't make up for having a LOW proc. After that Ghost Rider actually beats Surfer and Cyclops because although his stats are lower his buff is far superior. Now, after Surfer and Cyclops comes the tough grouping. It is arguable that the order should go X, Thor, Phoenix based on buffs, but her stats are so much higher and the debuff is so effective, that I think it warrants the placement. Then we start to move into the self buff cards which the order should be obvious. Finally we move into cards like SSR Spidey with his buff that effects everything, unfortunately the buff is significantly less powerful as a result. Black Cat is more tailored toward defense and its arguable she shouldn't be included, but she does buff her attack and is still better than Loki and Mr. Fantastic. 

  1. SSR Captain America - 12060 DEF - Significantly intensify defense on your Tactics Cards.(High)
  2. UR Iron Man - 11995/12236 - Extremely intensify ATK and DEF of your Tactics Cards. (Relatively High) 
  3. SSR Ms. Marvel - 10820 DEF - Significantly intensify DEF of your Speed Cards. (Average)
  4. UR Silver Surfer - 11835/12398 - Extremely intensify ATK and DEF of this Card. (Average)
  5. SSR Black Cat - 9500/10982 -  Significantly intensify ATK and DEF of your Speed Cards. (Average)
  6. SSR Daredevil - 10513 DEF - Significantly degrade ATK of all of opponent's Cards. (Relatively Low)
  7. UR Wolverine - 12977/11254 - Extremely intensify ATK and DEF on this Card. (Average)
  8. SSR Spiderman - 10401/10079 - Significantly intensify ATK and DEF of all your Cards. (Average) 
  9. SSR Juggernaut - 10948/10128 -  Significantly intensify ATK and DEF of this Card. (Relatively High)
  10. SSR Silver Surfer - 10000/10482 - Significantly intensify ATK and DEF of this Card. (Average) 
  11. SSR Mr. Fantastic - 9982/10498- Significantly degrade ATK and DEF of opponents Speed Cards. (Relatively High)
There aren't nearly as many viable defense cards in Marvel War of Heroes as there are attack cards. In this Marvel Card Tier list there was no reason to move past 10 cards. SSR Captain is the hands down winner followed by UR Iron Man. SSR Ms. Marvel beats out other cards because her buff is to just speed, so stacking five of her is powerful. Surfer beats out the following cards because of his high defense stats and potent self buff. It is arguable that Daredevil deserves to be even lower because of how infrequent his buff is. UR Wolverine beats out the other cards because despite being more offense orientated, his stats are solid and his self buff is powerful.. Then going forward cards are ordered for their skills. 

Friday, January 11, 2013

Fantastic Four

I has been decided that the next event is Fantastic Four, and the top reward is one of the greatest comic book villains of all time...Dr. Doom. This event will be another raid event meaning players will complete missions and summon bosses they battle. If you want to read in depth on how Raid Events progress check Raid Events.

The Raider Cards for this event are:

UR ????: My guess here is an U Rare Mister Fantasic will come out out either right before the event or during the event if it follows previous events. Maybe they realized with the 99,999 damage cap though there is little reason to release an UR event card.

SSR Idol of Millions Thing: He will presumably do around 800% damage base.1800% damage fused. This will result in a cap of 99,999 damage.  (Assuming he mirrors Professor X)

SR: Unseen Power Invisible Woman: She will presumably do around 500% base damage. 1200% damage fused. (Assuming she mirrors Psylocke)

SR2:  Diamond Lady Emma Frost: She will presumably do around 400% base damage. 600% damage fused. (Assuming she mirrors She-Hulk)

Rare: Matchstick Johnny Human Torch:  He will presumably do around 300% damage base.700% damage fused. (Assuming he mirrors Storm

Rare2: Mister Elastic Mr. Fantastic: He will presumably do around 200% damage base.300% damage fused. (This is assuming he is following Cosmic Energy Havoc)

Obviously the trick with raider events is to attain raider cards but there are some other ways to make sure you are successful. The first half of the event you should avoid using PP because once enraged bosses come out you gain additional damage. Instead, you should focus on summoning bosses striking them, and sharing them. When the bosses are defeated you gain shards which can be traded at a chance of personal PP. Once the enraged bosses come you can then use the PP.

On top of this, try to strike everybody's shared boss at least once. And remember when enraged bosses come you get charged less attack power to attack friends bosses. So during the home stretch it's worth it to heavily attack team mates bosses for the reduced power.

Try to only use raider cards in your deck if you can help it. In a vast majority of cases, using a single Diamond Lady over and over will yield better results than a Diamond Lady and four non raider cards.

Finally, if you have a team mate who's boss is never dying, stop hitting it and remove him from your team. Nothing is more annoying then spending attacking five of a teammates bosses only to have none of them go down.

For specifics and more information on raids, feel free to check out the posts on X-Men, Avengers, and the Raid Events Page.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Best SSR Speed Decks

In Marvel War of Heroes in each alignment there is always a best deck for each rarity. Of course while certain realms excel in different areas at any given moment, as new cards release the meta shifts. Inevitably all decks shift and change.

Best SSR Speed Deck - Defense:

1st Card: Kree Honor Ms. Marvel - 10820 Def - Significantly intensify DEF of Speed Cards.
2nd Card: Kree Honor Ms. Marvel - 10820 Def - Significantly intensify DEF of Speed Cards.
3rd Card: Kree Honor Ms. Marvel - 10820 Def - Significantly intensify DEF of Speed Cards.
4th Card: Kree Honor Ms. Marvel - 10820 Def - Significantly intensify DEF of Speed Cards.
5th Card: Kree Honor Ms. Marvel - 10820 Def - Significantly intensify DEF of Speed Cards.

Ms. Marvel is the second best defense card in the SSR and beats Daredevil by offering a stronger buff and higher stats. Reasonably, a player could use a Daredevil lead to add a powerful debuff to an opponents attack, but Ms. Marvel is just such a great card for speed defense I don't see why they would.

Best SSR Speed Deck - Attack:

1st Card: Hellfire Ghost Rider - 11254 Atk - Significantly intensify ATK of Speed Cards.
2nd Card: Hellfire Ghost Rider - 11254 Atk - Significantly intensify ATK of Speed Cards.
3rd Card: Hellfire Ghost Rider - 11254 Atk - Significantly intensify ATK of Speed Cards.
4th Card: Hellfire Ghost Rider - 11254 Atk - Significantly intensify ATK of Speed Cards.
5th Card: Hellfire Ghost Rider - 11254 Atk - Significantly intensify ATK of Speed Cards.

I...was torn on this one. I really feel that Phoenix Force would be a better wing. I know it's wrong, but something nags at me and tells me to add a debuff in there. Maybe its just my hatred for stacking all of the same card. Either way, Hellfire Ghost Rider and Phoenix Force are the two best attack cards and are just about equal, but Riders buff is a bit stronger since it is specific to speed unlike Phoenix Force's skill which effects all.

Speed has the second best defense and the best attack in SSR. This is one of the reasons that Speed has some of the highest card prices in the game as players are building decks. Because of the high prices and demand it is normally easier for people to make more powerful decks in other alignments.

Best SSR Bruiser Decks

In Marvel War of Heroes in each alignment there is always a best deck for each rarity. Of course while certain realms excel in different areas at any given moment, as new cards release the meta shifts. Inevitably all decks shift and change.

Best SSR Bruiser Deck - Defense:

1st Card: Crimson Gem of Cyttorak Juggernaut - 10128 Def - Significantly intensify ATK/DEF of this Card.
2nd Card: Crimson Gem of Cyttorak Juggernaut - 10128 Def - Significantly intensify ATK/DEF of this Card.
3rd Card: Crimson Gem of Cyttorak Juggernaut - 10128 Def - Significantly intensify ATK/DEF of this Card.
4th Card: Crimson Gem of Cyttorak Juggernaut - 10128 Def - Significantly intensify ATK/DEF of this Card.
5th Card: Crimson Gem of Cyttorak Juggernaut - 10128 Def - Significantly intensify ATK/DEF of this Card.

Please, do not make an SSR Bruiser Defense Deck! That being said, the only truly viable cards for a bruiser defense deck are Silver Surfer and Juggernuat. They both have the same buff but Juggernaut has a higher Proc chance. Surfer has 300 more defense points though. I'm going to say, although this is really cheap and you pretty much will always get 3 Procs, it just isn't strong enough to hold back most SSR offenses.

Best SSR Bruiser Deck - Attack:

1st Card: Son of Asgard Thor - 10144 Atk - Significantly intensify ATK of Bruiser Cards.
2nd Card: Son of Asgard Thor - 10144 Atk - Significantly intensify ATK of Bruiser Cards.
3rd Card: Son of Asgard Thor - 10144 Atk - Significantly intensify ATK of Bruiser Cards.
4th Card: Crimson Gem of Cyttorak Juggernaut - 10984 Atk - Significantly intensify ATK/DEF of this Card.
5th Card: Crimson Gem of Cyttorak Juggernaut - 10984 Atk - Significantly intensify ATK/DEF of this Card.

Now, some people opt to place incredible rage Hulk in the wing spots of this deck since it has roughly 500 more attack and its buff to self is purely to attack, making it stronger. Their decks will occasionally hit harder than this deck, but consistently they will do less. That's because Hulks ability has one of the lowest proc rates in the game while Juggernaut has one of the highest. Juggernaut is just plain better and honestly I would be tempted to use four of them and only one Thor based on Price, Proc Rates, and Power.

Bruiser coasted on having the best Defense for some time and as a result is punished at the SSR level. Bruiser pretty much has zero SSR defense. Offensively they are also the weakest, but still very competitive. As a result of being so weak Bruiser often had the lowest prices but recently we've seen them balance as people realize it's cheaper to build an SSR Bruiser deck than Speed/Tactics and they can use the leftover PP to skill their cards.

Best SSR Tactics Decks

In Marvel War of Heroes in each alignment there is always a best deck for each rarity. Of course while certain realms excel in different areas at any given moment, as new cards release the meta shifts. Inevitably all decks shift and change.

Best SSR Tactics Deck - Defense:

1st Card: American Pride Captain America - 12060 Def - Significantly intensify DEF of Tactics Cards
2nd Card: American Pride Captain America - 12060 Def - Significantly intensify DEF of Tactics Cards
3rd Card: American Pride Captain America - 12060 Def - Significantly intensify DEF of Tactics Cards
4th Card: American Pride Captain America - 12060 Def - Significantly intensify DEF of Tactics Cards
5th Card: American Pride Captain America - 12060 Def - Significantly intensify DEF of Tactics Cards

This is probably on of the most powerful cards in the game, and personally I consider it overpowered. Not only does it have the best possible defense and boost for a defensive card, but it has a HIGH usage rate. This card goes off all the time for the best possible boosts. Now, it is absurdly expensive as a result of its high demand. If you're on a budget, a Tactics defense is not what you should be aiming for.

Best SSR Tactics Deck - Attack:

1st Card: Professor X - 10338 Atk - Significantly intensify ATK of Tactics Cards.
2nd Card: Professor X - 10338 Atk - Significantly intensify ATK of Tactics Cards.
3rd Card: Professor X - 10338 Atk - Significantly intensify ATK of Tactics Cards.
4th Card: Kun Lun Master Iron Fist - 10594 Atk - Significantly intensify ATK of this Card.
5th Card: Kun Lun Master Iron Fist - 10594 Atk - Significantly intensify ATK of this Card.

Professor X was a well needed buff to Tactics offensively and actually gave them a lot more legitimacy. For this deck Professor X is used in the top spots for his buff but Iron Fist keeps it real in the wings. His proc rate is considered high and his buff to self attack is mammoth. Reasonably a player could also use two Professor X and three Iron Fist and possibly have better results. It would be a lot cheaper as well.

Tactics is known for its defense but that doesn't mean it can't be an offensive power house. Professor X and Iron Fist can normally be gained easily in trading and provide substantial buffs. Although defensively Tactics is expensive, offensively they are more affordable.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Card Cost Fluctuations

So recently, primarily at high levels, there has been some fluctuations on card prices. I felt this deserves to be addressed in a post.

Recently there has been a flood of players looking primarily for Bruiser alignment cards and quite a few moving out of speed alignment. This was caused primarily as a result of prices in the game. Speed cards have been extremely high priced for some time causing a lot of frustration to players, and tactics defense cards have also been rising in price as a result of cards like Cap America.

Players in response have decided, what the hell am I thinking? I could purchase a deck with 5-10k more base and better buffs for the same price as a speed counterpart! This shift has caused speed cards to be slightly less sought after and Bruisers to be slightly more so. This is simply the market evening out. Where Rage of Bahamut offers a buff to encourage players to stick with a certain alignment, there is nothing in Marvel War of Heroes that forces players to stick with the same alignment. This freedom of movement will eventually result in all alignments evening out to similar prices.

The key in this type of market is not to panic and think your speed cards are all of a sudden worth less, but to simply understand that all three alignments are becoming more evenly priced. In the end trades will probably be decided based on a buff for buff basis anyway.

So, don't panic that you all of a sudden see things changing up, they are simply balancing.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Ability Boom ISO-8

There is a lot of chatter about the ability ISO-8 from the Shield Training that just completed. I always forget that for many people Marvel War of Heroes is their first trading card game.

For those who don't know this new ISO-8 is meant to be used in the boosting process to give a high percent chance of increasing a skill level. This card is extremely valuable for players looking to level Legendary cards as well as Ultra Rares because of the high cost of leveling. In the highest level cases, this single Ability ISO-8 will offer more of an ability boost percentage than 10 UR cards.

Currently it's assumed that these Ability ISO-8 will mirror the Rage of Bahamut Card Devil Queen which sells for roughly 120HP. Currently in many trades PP has a rough value of 1PP=3HP. Because of this it's safe to assume that the Ability ISO-8 will probably be worth about 40PP in most cases. As people use them to level their legends, the cards will slowly increase in price, probably capping off somewhere around 50PP per.

So, what to do with yours?

If you don't need it and don't have a buyer lined up, I would recommend saving it until the price rises. There is no harm in seeing how high the price will rise because its not likely to drop since it's useful to everybody.

If you do need it, only use it on legend cards and even then for higher levels. It's too rare and valuable of a card to waste on leveling your legend from 1-2.

If you do decide to sell it, I would recommend aiming for at least 35-40PP. Chances are you will get better value out of it in a trade though.