Sunday, March 17, 2013

Captain America vs Red Skull

So, I anticipated a Hydra event for some time so it's good to see one showing up. Red Skull is one of my favorite villains, even though Captain America is a little 'too good' for my taste in heroes.

First things first. I'd like to address the Raider Card Changes. I get that people are getting continually frustrated at the diminished value of Raid Reward Raider Cards. The fact that an SR Raid Reward has not only less boost than its purchased equivalent, but less boost than its Rare equivalent is pretty annoying.

And I have to say, I am very disappointed in the change. For high level players this change makes very little difference, but for low level players this change makes rising in rank even more difficulty.

Couple this with the changes to Personal Power Packs being given out, I struggle to think of how low level players can improve their decks without spending money. I feel these change will cause the game to lose players faster as they hit a wall in improving their deck.

Now, on the upside. The value of PP had been diminishing, actually down to about seventy five cents per PP. This was partially due to how easy it was to get Personal PP during the Raid Event. So, the one thing we can look forward to is PP increasing in value back up to its dollar hopefully (but generally when things drop they don't go back up). This of course...will make it even harder for new players to get ahead.

Overall, these changes are bad. And a game that had a possible shelf life of 2 years probably has a shelf life of one as a result of them. This is due to the fact that these changes increase the chances of losing new players, and veteran players will leave naturally. I find it hard to believe that given these changes that Marvel won't be losing players at a higher rate than which they gain them.

That's enough of a rant there about the changes.

Captain America vs Red Skull

So, for this event obviously there are certain tricks. Trick number one is ideally you don't want to use any of your RDS bars until enraged bosses come along. This way the damage done is significantly more. On top of this, try to stack as many raid cards as you can for the bonus damage.

Trick number two involves retrieving prizes from raid bosses. Ideally, you want to let the inbox for your prizes get to the full 30 max before accepting them. The idea behind this is you will summon weaker bosses making them easier to finish and get RDS bars. If you gradually prizes as you beat the bosses, you will gradually get tougher bosses. This will mean that you may have 15 battles that take 2 RDS each instead of 30 that take 1 RDS each.

Trick number three involves teamwork. Ideally you'll want to target shared bosses regularly. If your Alliance set aside a two hour period during enraged bosses where you all farm enraged bosses, hit them once, then share them, you can look forward to a bonus as well. This boost to damage is welcome because it promotes active participation.

Trick number five involves renting/borrowing cards. Players all have a limited amount of time they can play and need to sleep. A strong alliance with good bonds will often be able to pass around cards for people to use even if they didn't purchase them.

Finally trick number six is to know your damage. I try to always hit the highest level boss available with a 1 RDS, a 3 RDS and a 6 RDS attack. I normally write these down so I know how much to use on certain bosses. Then when enraged come along you just triple it.

Anyway, Good luck on the event.


  1. thanks for guide but any tips for low level players who cannot 1 shot any boss need 20 RDS to kill any encounter past the first few and who are trying to maximize any benefit to even partaking in this.... thx

    1. Make sure you are in the strongest alliance you can get into at your level. This will help you get better cards for the next event where can do better.
      It takes time to build up.
      Not participating will be a negative. Even if you can take down bosses, every hit will give you shards and shards will give you prizes (even if its just silver or rally points). These can be used to make yourself stronger in future.

    2. Yup I changed alliances just before the event in hopes of doing exactly what you mention get better rewards and placement. Two of the people who helped get my buddy and I invited have already offered to make trades down the road and seems like things are looking up (in 2 weeks hah). Anyways I shall just keep pounding away it seems that its best to do only 6RDS attacks to minimize the amount of rewards in order to make the bosses easier any response to that? I do so little damage even with 6 RDS that its rather funny and I always ask for help asap to make sure my bosses die and I sometimes see big guys coming to my aid and 1 shotting the boss hah. Thx I look foward to better cards so far I am just taking advantage of the money, rally points and feeder cards being thrown my way. If anything I will gain tons of levels boost all my "good" rares to their maxes and be able to really sort my stuff out by the time the event ends.

    3. Its probably too late for you now, but don't claim your rewards until you have too. The more you claim, the stronger the enemy becomes.

      For now you may just have to soldier on, always attack with 6RDS (unless you can take them down with less), as it gets you 10x more raid points.

      Don't waste any RDS bars that you get until the 2nd half of the event, as you do even more damage, and will get even more points.

  2. After the event, does it pay to keep a fully m/m fused Odin when you already have a fully m/m fused Black Panther? They seem to be about equal to me, but I dont know the final stats of the Odin card yet.

  3. I am in a jam. I was working on building a speed deck around my UR+ HF Ghost Rider when I got a bunch of Bruisers in a couple packs. (Was gifted packs, didn't spend $) Not sure whether to switch focuses or not, especially with my UR GR's ability at lvl 3.Here is what I have from SSR+ and better:
    UR Ultimate Pwr Hulk (new), UR+ Hellfire GR (m/m), SSR Idol of Mill Thing (new), SSR Enemy Inside Hulk (new), SSR DareDevil (m/m), SSR TF Red Hulk (m/m), SSR++ Jean Grey (just fused), SSR+ SpiderWeb Spiderman (m/m), SSR+ VH Blade (just fused)
    Any advice would be really helpful. Not really sure of what I have and if I should trade for one alignment or another.

    1. I say keep Hellfire. Trade your Brussels to get cards like Phoenix and ur neighbor spiderman. If u add me in game I can offer u some good stuff since I'm bruiser and already have a good deck to add to. I say keep Hellfire because besides Spiderman he is the best offense speed card.

  4. I'm kind of stuck in a rut right now. I have a semi-decent attack deck (all SSR+ and one UR+) The issue I'm having is I have nothing of value to trade for other cards and I haven't been getting new(Good) Cards to expand my deck. Can anyone give me some advice?

    1. Patience. I was in the same situation until I got a lucky pull. I got a UR which I downtraded for a couple of desireable base ssr's. A few trades later, I had two UR's. You just have to be persistent and reasonable. Remember to shop your trades to the right people (without gouging yourself into a hole). An SSR black cat is much more desireable to a speed user than to a tactics user. This is particularly true in straight card-to-card trades.

    2. It takes time. Unlike MMOs merely playing a lot won't necessarily pay off. If you have a good network and connections sometimes people will give you some PP to middle man deals. That's an effortless way. Otherwise, gather up 9 rares, and trade for a couple PP to people who are trying to increase skill on a card.

      There are ways, but they are currently pretty slow unless you have PP to work with.

    3. Same situation here, but I have a SR+ deck and one SSR.
      At this point is where the importance of being a "free" player or a "paying" player comes into play.

      I managed to save up 10 UCP and waited until event started to spend them (to get raider cards). I did it a couple days ago and got 2Uncommons, 7Rares and 1SR :/
      I would be furious if I had spent real money and got that crap. This is just one more reason why I don't want to spend money on this game.

      I guess that if I want a specific card it would be more efficient to just buy it for cash.

    4. I would suggest joining a guild that is able to rank and grab new cards that way so you can do trade ups.

      Specially during event times; I.e. a M/M Odin right now is worth a much better SSR+, so if you were able to get it last event, you could perhaps grab an Arsenal Punisher for it right now (at least that's what I was willing to give up for one)

      But as mentioned, patience.

  5. If you are low on RDS and need to restock before enraged enemies, "camp" support requests and try to time it(know your damage) so that you can use 1 RDS attack and you get the final hit bonus of 2 RDS bar. Use regenerated RDS and with patience you'll have some RDS bars to work with.

  6. I'm having trouble getting anyone to trade out fairly I have a IR hulk+ and tryed to trade to someone that use bru for 2ssr speed cards but he will only do it for 1 I thought even tho it's a plus I could still trade it for 2ssr can anyone help me

    1. Plenty of variables...

      your IR Hulk+, properly fused? Skill level? The fact it has an incredibly low rate proc on a skill that is not that great doesn't help either. What's his deck like? Does he even have use for the Hulk in his deck?

      What are the 2 SSR Speed cards? Because I wouldn't trade a single Ghost Rider for an IR Hulk. Same case for Black Cats. Not to mention it's all about having the right trading partner, it just may not be a fit.

      I have a fused Mephisto, M/M perfect fuse, doesn't mean I'll be able to get a Scarlet Witch for him.

    2. It hulk is m/m he is using two and the gr is lel 1

    3. Theree's your answer.... GR is much, much, much more sought after than Hulk. It is a top 5 offensive card in the game.

  7. I hope this is not a dumb question but what is an enraged boss and how do you know if its an enraged boss?

    1. Don't worry, they havent started showiing up yet. Shold start tomorrow, thursday. You'll get a notice that they are enraged.

  8. To know your damage points is a good thing as you said. You can get a rough idea by scrolling down on any enemy boss page to find your team and the damage they do per round. Times that number by 3 and that's your light hit (1 RDS) damage. Times your light hit damage by 4 gives you your mid hit (3 RDS) damage. Times your light hit damage by 10 gives you your blitz (6 RDS) damage. This will give you quick ball park numbers to go by.

    What I can't figure out yet is what the (small) AP bonus I'm getting now in boss battles is from? Or what it's for?

    Cool site by the way, it's been very informitive for a noob like me starting out.

    1. The AP Bonus is given depending on your ATK points you have.
      0 - 199 = Small Attack = 5%?
      200 - 299 = Medium Attack = Not Sure
      300+ = Large Attack = Not Sure

      Plus you can also get a support bonus if you attack someone elses boss. Its 5%.

    2. Thx for the reply mate. Looks like small AP bonus for me for some time. Only started a little over a week ago so it will be sometime before I break 200 attack. Do the points have to be available, or can you spend them first before the boss battle and still get your bonus?

  9. Any idea if the rumor of no enrage bosses is true?

  10. Someone wants to trade an apparently perfect-fused maxed/mastered Hell Bike Ghost Rider+ (it has 9866 attack) and a not-perfect Bucky Barnes+ for my maxed/mastered SOL Cap. Good or bad offer?

    1. I wouldn't care much for the Bucky Barnes. He will only be usefull in the current event if you don't have any/many raider cards.
      You can also redeem some of the current event green shards and get him.

      It also depends if you are going for a particular color of deck. I would be careful about the fusion for the GR.
      If it has maxed mastery now, then I would expect the level of the card to be about 55. If it is not maxed mastery now, it would expect the level to b about 68.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. HB Ghost Rider is not proper fused

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. full Lv up full mastery SSR first human torch for 25 pp?
    do I make the trade or not? please help me

    1. Don't you dare! Your Human Torch costs much more. I'd say 4x that offer. If you trade it before the event ends, that's its price.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. I don't make the trade, I asked for 1 M/M UR wolverine and he cancel the trade
    thanks for the help

  18. what is the value. rare vs pp. ? 5 for 1
    it is a good deal?
    I'm now sorry

  19. I wouldn't waste a single PP on anything less than 10... They are mainly boosting cards at a higher level, and you can buy 100+ referrals which means Jean Greys for a lot less.

  20. Hi, quick question: Is there any penalty for failing to defeat or not even attacking one's own Villain during a Raid Mission Encounter?

    My Logic:
    While the enraged Red Skulls are spawning, I'd prefer to not use my RDS bars attacking normal, non-enraged Red Skulls and hold off until I cross Enraged Villains (as long as I'm not sitting at full 6bars for more than a few minutes).

    Is this wise? Do you know if there's a penalty for not attacking a Villain at all? Would u recommend ALWAYS attacking a Villain you encounter during your own Raid Missions with at least 1 bar and asking for support?

    Thanks; and excellent, insightful posts on this game! Great work!

    1. I only attack Enraged when they are up and never waste points on non enraged.

    2. Theres no penalty in not attacking, however if you attack and at the end of the enemy is not defeated(by you or others), you will not get the raid points.

  21. Question;

    Should I be using 6 bars on every attack for those 100+ bosses or one hit a bunch of them and ask for support?

    Which one is more likely to bring more Raider Points?

  22. 6RDS is way better. With 1RDS on a Enraged boss, you get a 9x bonus. With 6xRDS you get a 90x bonus
    So 6x 1RDS = 54
    1x 6RDS = 90

  23. Just wondering how one gets 155 million rd points like the leader has currently?

    1. Top Raider cards. Just imagine that the URare Cap does as much damage by itself as 5 M/M Odins, which is why so many people have been complaining about how less than useful past raid rewards are.

  24. Not sure if this is the place but here goes:
    I get UR+ DD, UR+Ms M, Mephisto, Hell's Kitchen DD and Arachne for
    UR+ HR Ghost, SSR Black Cat, SSR Kree. All cards involved are finished and proper. Deal or no deal?

    1. Personally I find HR Ghost worth more and easier to trade up than the DD, Mrs. M, and all others. I would pass unless you really needing more cards for your deck.

      Not to mention the SSR Black Cat is much better than DD, Arachne and Mephisto.

    2. after more wheeling and dealing, I got a UR+ Great Resp Spidey for HK Ghost. That seems better.

  25. So values on reward cards??? Looking to make trades... killed myself last time.. didn't know what SoL cap cards were worth

    1. Red Skull is well worth over 500pp

      Bucky goes for about the same as Prof x, slightly superior

      Thor, well... not quite much there, Thing is better on D and the other Thor or Cyclops better on O, so it's just a utility card.

    2. UR Red Skull is worth somewhere in the 400's. I'm sure someone somewhere paid over 500 but that's not a realistic expectation if you're looking to sell.

      General consensus is Bucky is around 35-40pp per ssr, doubling that for the fused version. The good prof is between 20-25 as he is old news now (but that's besides the point). The bad news for sellers and good news for buyers is that the market is flooded with Winter Soldiers right now and they have been sold for as low as 30pp. Once players have recouped their wallets I'm sure the price will recover a bit but for now it's definitely a buyer's market.
      Hope that helps.

  26. Is leg iron fist worth trading an UR star spangled avenger cap America?

  27. anyone linked to lucarda or "S.H.I.E.L.D. -#15-" need any bruiser or speed ur+cards.... event spidy's, leg wolv, 3x thor ur+ skl3, few ssr sentinals, few ssr winter soldiers, ssr ms marvel, ur+ ferrous hero IM.....all proper.....Also have a Red Skull for pp if anyone looking.
    Would not be opposed to cross trading with your rage cards and/or hp.... otherwise just want pp or UR+ ghost or UR spidys.......

    marvel ign-tellyban (I'm lucarda's alliance ldr)

    1. lol, Telly. Your inventory is always insane.
