Saturday, March 30, 2013

Lets Talk Shield Training

So, by now people should know enough about Shield Training to make some valid strategies and how to do well. If you don't, check back at some of my previous posts regarding it.

Instead, I'd rather address things people do that are just bad decisions. So, here is my list of things I see people doing because somewhere they think it gives them an advantage.

1) Not Building Walls

I understand that people think of these as 'free points' but the amount of points per attack power players get from destroying a wall is much lower than the points per attack power a player can get from attacking a player.

2) Single Card Defense

I don't get this one. Apparently people haven't realized yet that they are penalized for using single cards on defense? If you don't believe me...attack somebody with a single card assigned. You can attack them over and over again while receiving full or near full points. Don't do it.

3) Lockout Strategy

It doesn't work. People who use this strategy are simply saying..."I plan on losing, but I plan to take all the fun out of the game while doing it." An active team can still accumulate far more points. Now, can you do it? Yes, but you're a dick ruining the game for others and your odds of winning aren't actually increased.

4) Minimum Attack/Defense Requirements

This is something that's been around since Rage. Realistically, it's not a good determiner of how people will do. Instead you want to ask them how much PP they are willing to spend. People will aim for players they can beat naturally. But some players with high stats will merely do the minimum and do nothing after that. It's important to find members who are willing to throw down, not just members stats.

Those are my big four. But for those who don't know, the keys to winning are:

1) Active Players
2) Coordinated Battles
3) Solid PP stockpiles
4) Strong enough decks to break defenses
5) Good Attack/Defense Leaders


  1. I'm the leader of alliance we placed 2708 last event I just want to know if we are doing good at moving up as a group or just a run of the mill two events ago we place just over 5000 now we have full members lvl 42 but I still think we are missing something that would help us we share cards with raid boost and we help out each other is there anything we can do to place higher or do we have to just work harder and harder

    1. A lot of it is working harder and getting to know each other. A really cool thing happens in Raid events the longer people know each other...they help each other.

      For example, in my Alliance SHIELD (The legit one), we have members who naturally just offered up their raider cards out to loan when they went to bed as long as there were trades back to them in the morning.

      Tellyban runs an Alliance where people are required to check into line regularly (I fail at this quite a bit), but also socializes with all the members. He sets goals, does the math on what's going to get us there, and asks everybody if they can.

      Ultimately, the best way to improve in rank is to create an environment where people want to stay in the Alliance, that's ultimately what will increase your rank, because your big hitters won't get poached leaving you in a vicious cycle of find big hitter, lose big hitter.

  2. Thanks for the help it means a lot to know that some of the top player are giving help out too others thank you

  3. I run a mid-level alliance and I don't see the numbers you seem to in regards to walls. For the most part, the upper end of valor points I can get from opponents is around 375, assuming the wall is down. A full wall takedown is around 1500 valor, and I can take a wall down in a little over a full AP bar, while I can only get about 2.5 fights out of the same bar.

    Further, in our case, we stack our defense leader. We can take out most opposing defense leaders, though a 5x Cap deck will still give us problems if not too many are on. In these cases, we've had fights where it has been a stalemate, and those 1500 points from the opposing wall have been the difference.

    Again, for a casual alliance like ours, those points can be crucial - most challenges are won or lost by a few thousand points with less than 10k points accrued between both alliances.

    1. In an active paying Alliance with a wall breaker deck, you can rake in those 1500 pts in one attack or two. If you care to put that deck together it's an easy lead. Even a couple ssr wall cards do serious damage.
      But the real battle is fought with pp.

    2. Well, you certainly can't do that -- a wall requires a minimum of five attacks to take down no matter how much damage you do. A wallbreaker stronger than 2 ssr+ and 1 sr+ is a waste of AP.

    3. What the above said; max dmg you can do to a wall is 10k, so don't waste AP if your deck already does more dmg than that.

    4. I'm telling you that if you have less than 10k points accrued between more alliances, that wall is not what's determining your winning or losing. Your members are.

  4. In general, you should take a wide view of the events. It doesn't help you anymore to be rank 1000 than 1800 in Raids. So what's the point of giving it your all if you will realistically not reach the next tier.
    As far as Shield training, if you're non-paying player (which is fine) you shouldn't expect your Alliance or yourself to rank too high. That's just the nature of the beast. Save some of those pp for buying reward cards after the events are over. There are a ton of super competitive players out there who are hardcore and don't particularly want the reward cards. Look at what happened with Apocalypse. He's going for 15pp now.

  5. I got a quick question not knowing much about card values but is a m/m and fully leveled jug worth trading a American pride cap? I have the cap

    1. No a fused cap is more than a jug cap is one of the top cards for a defense deck were as a jug is only good with bru

    2. If I wasn't making a defensive deck yet, is the trade worth it or no

    3. No, you can get a lot more fro an AP Cap. You can get plenty of better URs. You can most likely get a couple of better UR+ for the AP cap.

    4. What are a couple UR or UR+ cards I could prob get? And the cap would need to be m/m and leveled fully I would assume right?

    5. Some players would give you petty much what u want if they are looking for one

    6. Pretty high value on an AP Cap, even unfused. 2 DD UR+, 2 Ms Marvel+, a UR+ Hellfire Ghost Rider, plenty of options.

      And being M/M is of very little importance on a base card. M/M only important on a fused card and most of the times because of the skill lvl.

  6. I would give you two ur juggs for it

    1. Properly fused and all that jazz?

    2. Keep in mind each Jugg+ is worth about 15 bucks and Cap is about 35+. Just a heads up. Better wing cards for Bruisers out there.

    3. Yes. I would also throw in a proper ssr+ sabertooth and a proper ssr+ sentinel. Or if you would prefer a ur +jade she hulk instead of a jugg I would do that as well. I am tubthumper82 in the game

    4. What are some better wing bruiser cards then? Just out of curiosity. Sorry for all the questions lol

    5. Cards that have better stats and therefore can serve as a bigger boost to your main "improve atk of all (insert alignment here)"

      I would hold on to cap unless you're getting some solid UR+ for it, as in top notch like Hellfire Ghostrider, Professor X, Winter Soldier, etc, or a base UR card.

      I personally traded my base cap for 3 UR+ Scarlet Witches when building an alt deck.

  7. I dont see your logic about walls. I am built to get around ~700 valor per pp (not amazing but not terrible). With HALF a pp and a single pmm SSR+ wall breaker i get 1500 valor for taking down a wall. Thats 4x the valor? My alliance has never used walls because they definitely give off easy valor..

    And i think you're missing the point behind single card defense. It isn't a tactic that is suppose to pay off in terms of limiting the other teams valor. I have seen the top groups use it against lower groups. The only "strategy" behind this is to get the lower groups to fight back. When they fight back they recharge more often which means their valor payoff gets reset. Top groups use it when they are in no way afraid of actually losing.

    1. Its cheap win making lower lvl use more pp is not a honorable win some player don't spend hundreds of dollars on this game every event why play like that all its showing is that you would spend money to get a top card than going at it like a real player I could get top prize too but I'm not paying to play a free game

    2. True, but that is assuming you have a wall breaker, which in the mid range alliances not always holds true.

    3. I have seen high level orders lose BECAUSE they use this tactic. I get the point behind it. It's just a dumb point. After two days in people are easily able to identify who they can and can't beat.

  8. might be a dumb question but, is there a wall breaker deck for this coming mission?

    1. Yeah what ever the rare was last event the exili Thor and what ever new cards the put out

  9. Hey Lucarda,
    Can you confirm how attacking the wall works.
    I know that non Wallbreakers do next to no damage to the wall, but is that the same as wall breakers? but they just have that extra bonus to boost it back up.
    Because a max thor+ would do 83k damage. Walls are only 10k each. Or does the Thor+ have a reduction for attacking the wall (ie. 95% down to 400 then gets the 1000% boost to 4150?

    Also, can you do damage to more than 1 wall in a hit? Or is it max 10k in 1 hit?

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Getting a little tired of the 5 captain America Defense decks. It's like as soon as a D leader comes up with that deck, I'm done for the next hour and just have to take the ass whooping that's coming my way.

    1. Get your team to coordinate an attack on him. I don't know what the minimum attack needs to be to ensure his defense goes down, but if you have 15 members doing a small attack at the same time, and try to time it that a few do a full attack, I reckon you could do it.
      Also find the strongest deck in your alliance, make sure they get the full scrapper bonus (30%) (easily done for minamal power), and get them to attack.

  11. Can anyone confirm what it takes to 'chip' away at a player's defense? Is it a certain amount of attack power (e.g. 23, 29, 32) or is it a threshold of attack stats (e.g. min. 5000)?


    1. 50 attack power in the war. If you player searched for the defense leader you can attack him outside the war for the minimum attack power (1 card) to drop his defense.

    2. If you did that to my alliance (and many others too) we would beat you as badly as possible to compensate for your poor sportsmanship.

  12. How much can/should I sell my ability booms for?

    1. anywhere between 15 and 20pp depending on demand.

  13. You have some good tips overall, but the first point about walls is inaccurate the way it is worded. Walls can give much better valor per atk point than attacking players. I only had Thor breakers this past event, and they're not the best, but 2 proper Thors do close to 8000 wall dmg, uses 51 atk, and gives 199 valor. That's almost a 1:4 ratio on atk to valor. Using three would erode this ratio due to the 10k dmg cap. I imagine this ratio is even higher with a proper Sauron as he'll reach 10k or close to it.

    Using or not using walls is situational and depends on the level your alliance is competing at due to the fact that lower level alliances are less likely to have assault cards. Middle and upper end alliances will have wall breakers, and building them just gives the wall breaker a huge boost to their valor efficiency, so there's no point in building walls as it just wastes silver and time.

    It's worth pointing out also that, at lower levels, when one side has a breaker and the other side has walls up, it does offer an advantage that can mean the difference between winning and losing. This becomes negligible at mid to high levels since players have way more atk and PPs to throw around.

    1. I'm in a mid-level alliance (placed around 700 this event). We debated heavily on the positives and negatives of wall building. We decided to build walls this event and see how they worked out. Based on our battles this event we decided that building walls works for us. We based our decision to use walls on:

      1. We never lost a battle based on the valor earned from opponents taking down our wall.

      2. Surprisingly, many mid-level alliances didn't have wall-breakers. Our walls often lasted 30 minutes into battle. Also our walls were not taken down in 2 battles (one battle the opposing alliance totally ignored hitting the wall).

      3. A lot of opposing players that hit our wall multiple times used one or more pp to recharge the first minute of battle. These players often retired from the battle early and stopped recharging. Our lower level alliance members (who are not strong enough to take down leaders or stronger players earning valor and recharging) were able to hit these players for valor because they quit the battle early and stopped recharging.

      I hope this info helps out anybody in the mid-level alliance tier on deciding whether or not building walls is worth the effort.

  14. I'm looking to sell a (TG) Thor ssr base and ssr base DD how much should I ask for them
