Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Marvel Card Tier List

So, I decided to create a full tier list so people could see how each card in the UR and SSR relate to each other. For this list I will be comparing final M/M cards. This way people can visualize which cards are better than which. This order is based on which cards are the most powerful, not based on market price. My standards for power come from the attack power, the buff, and the proc rate of the buff. Cards are listed as Name - # ATK or #/# if it has a dual purpose skill - Buff - Proc Rate.

  1. UR Spiderman - 12238 ATK - Extremely intensify ATK of your Speed Cards. (Relatively High)
  2. UR Dr Doom - Extremely intensify ATK of your Tactics Cards. (Average)
  3. UR Magneto - 12880 ATK - Extremely degrade DEF all of opponent's Cards. (Average)
  4. UR Iron Man - 11995/12236 - Extremely intensify ATK and DEF of your Tactics Cards. (Relatively High)  
  5. UR Wolverine - 12977/11254 - Extremely intensify ATK and DEF on this Card. (Average)
  6. UR Hulk - 13396 ATK - Extremely intensify ATK on this Card. (Low)
  7. SSR Ghost Rider (Original) - 11254 ATK - Significantly intensify ATK of your Speed Cards. (Average)
  8. UR Silver Surfer - 11835/12398 - Extremely intensify ATK and DEF of this Card. (Average)
  9. UR Cyclops - 12398/11835 - Significantly degrade ATK and DEF of opponent's Tactics Cards. (Average)
  10. SSR Phoenix Force - 11270 ATK - Significantly degrade DEF on all of opponent's Cards. (Average)
  11. SSR Professor X - 10338 ATK - Significantly intensify ATK of your Tactics Cards. (Average)
  12. SSR Thor - 10144 ATK - Significantly intensify attacks on your Bruiser Cards. (Average)
  13. SSR Juggernaut - 10948/10128 -  Significantly intensify ATK and DEF of this Card. (Relatively High)
  14. SSR Iron Fist - 10594 ATK - Significantly intensify ATK of this Card. (Relatively High)
  15. SSR Hulk - 11432 ATK - Significantly intensify attack of this Card. (Very Low)
  16. SSR Annihilus - 10788 ATK - Significantly intensify ATK and DEF of this Card. (Average)
  17. SSR Ghost Rider (New) - 10997 ATK - Significantly degrade DEF of opponent's Bruiser Cards. (Average)
  18. SSR Wolverine - 10869 ATK - Significantly degrade DEF of opponent's Tactics Cards. (Average) 
  19. SSR Spiderman - 10401/10079 - Significantly intensify ATK and DEF of all your Cards. (Average) 
  20. SSR Silver Surfer - 10000/10482 - Significantly intensify ATK and DEF of this Card. (Average)
  21. SSR Black Cat - 9500/10982 -  Significantly intensify ATK and DEF of your Speed Cards. (Average)
  22. SSR Loki - 10466 ATK - Significantly degrade DEF on opponent's Speed Cards. (Average)
  23. SSR Mr. Fantastic - 9982/10498- Significantly degrade ATK and DEF of opponents Speed Cards. (Relatively High)
Spider-man is a better card than Magneto, period, but Magneto is number two. After that Iron Man wins because his buff is to the entire deck. Wolverine beats hulk because the 400pt stat difference doesn't make up for having a LOW proc. After that Ghost Rider actually beats Surfer and Cyclops because although his stats are lower his buff is far superior. Now, after Surfer and Cyclops comes the tough grouping. It is arguable that the order should go X, Thor, Phoenix based on buffs, but her stats are so much higher and the debuff is so effective, that I think it warrants the placement. Then we start to move into the self buff cards which the order should be obvious. Finally we move into cards like SSR Spidey with his buff that effects everything, unfortunately the buff is significantly less powerful as a result. Black Cat is more tailored toward defense and its arguable she shouldn't be included, but she does buff her attack and is still better than Loki and Mr. Fantastic. 

  1. SSR Captain America - 12060 DEF - Significantly intensify defense on your Tactics Cards.(High)
  2. UR Iron Man - 11995/12236 - Extremely intensify ATK and DEF of your Tactics Cards. (Relatively High) 
  3. SSR Ms. Marvel - 10820 DEF - Significantly intensify DEF of your Speed Cards. (Average)
  4. UR Silver Surfer - 11835/12398 - Extremely intensify ATK and DEF of this Card. (Average)
  5. SSR Black Cat - 9500/10982 -  Significantly intensify ATK and DEF of your Speed Cards. (Average)
  6. SSR Daredevil - 10513 DEF - Significantly degrade ATK of all of opponent's Cards. (Relatively Low)
  7. UR Wolverine - 12977/11254 - Extremely intensify ATK and DEF on this Card. (Average)
  8. SSR Spiderman - 10401/10079 - Significantly intensify ATK and DEF of all your Cards. (Average) 
  9. SSR Juggernaut - 10948/10128 -  Significantly intensify ATK and DEF of this Card. (Relatively High)
  10. SSR Silver Surfer - 10000/10482 - Significantly intensify ATK and DEF of this Card. (Average) 
  11. SSR Mr. Fantastic - 9982/10498- Significantly degrade ATK and DEF of opponents Speed Cards. (Relatively High)
There aren't nearly as many viable defense cards in Marvel War of Heroes as there are attack cards. In this Marvel Card Tier list there was no reason to move past 10 cards. SSR Captain is the hands down winner followed by UR Iron Man. SSR Ms. Marvel beats out other cards because her buff is to just speed, so stacking five of her is powerful. Surfer beats out the following cards because of his high defense stats and potent self buff. It is arguable that Daredevil deserves to be even lower because of how infrequent his buff is. UR Wolverine beats out the other cards because despite being more offense orientated, his stats are solid and his self buff is powerful.. Then going forward cards are ordered for their skills. 


  1. Hi Lucarda,
    I was waiting for this type of post from you, I really like this one.

    Question: Do you use alot of self buff cards? I tend to stay away from them, or trade them if I get them for cards that buff an alignment and either Atk or Def (your Group A cards).

    Leaving proc rate and base atk stat out of this example, would you rather have a Group A ability over a Self Buff one? Thanks.

    1. I would absolutely prefer a group A ability rather than a self buff or an (ALL) buff. The potency is just so nice. That being said, I enjoy self buff cards as wings. They often have solid attack and defense stats so they can be used in both decks and their procs work in both decks as well.

    2. Cool, thx for the quick response.

      So, I'm not sure if you addressed this somewhere else, if you did I apologize. But, do your 2 interior cards vs the 2 wing cards make any difference when designing an Atk or Def deck?

      I know the primary position card is essential to your strategy as it gets a proc rate boost that makes it rare to not see it proc in a battle.


    3. I simply put cards in the order I want them to proc since I believe the game still uses a waterfall system. Ideally though if you can get a great wing skill in conjunction with the stats, do it.

  2. I know it's early but where would you rank the new UR Surfer? Some of my Allies are not impressed but I think he's pretty desirable.

    Ability is extremely intensifies both his att and def. Base state 2940, 3080, pt cost of 32

    1. I ranked it 7th on my list of cards. Under SSR Ghost Rider. He's similar to wolverine but weaker and defense orientated so he's not impressive.

  3. any thoughts on the new reward cards? where will they fit in your list?

  4. Im just starting out; into it maybe a month . My deck does 40 - 45k damage now. Lady diamond x3 with punisher and black panther. Just got your ranked #1 urn spidey card. Should i trade it for better cards or hold onto it and use it combo ? Thanks for all the tips by the way. Helped alot for a newbie

    1. That's a tough one. I would say it depends on where you're at in the game. If you're in a Solid Alliance that you're happy with and intend to go speed alignment eventually, keep him.

      If you're not planning on going speed ever, sell him for PP and hold onto the PP. PP never really drops in value so its more stable than cards. Should an UR better than Spidey pop up for example, his price would drop.

      If you're wanting to move up to a higher end alliance, you may want to trade him for great UR+ cards that help out your deck. You could possibly get...3 UR+ Surfers for him I would think. Spidey about 120-150PP still...Surfer about 50PP for UR+. Depends on traders.

      Finally, with a new raid event coming you may want to trade him for UR+ Raider Cards which will allow you to hit high ranking in the event (probably not top 30 but easily top 2000) and then selling the card later in the event but before it ends for PP as well. Doing that though requires you to have a pretty active trade group.

      Those are my thoughts.

  5. Hey if u had 2 base ur ironman but r bruiser what would u do w them? I was thinking to wait n make a play at the ur venom!

    1. You won't touch Venom for 2 Base UR IM, they don't even begin to hit the value that Venom will hit, even if his buff is mediocre. Bruisers have been in desperate need of a solid Legendary card for some time now so I think the card will be overpriced.

      Instead, if you are bruiser, I would recommend trading out those UR IM for some UR Wolverine Wings. Check his going price because lately I think UR IM has been going for substantially more than UR Wolverine but it depends on the trade group.

      That is assuming you already have 3 UR+ Thors for your core.

  6. Well ATM I have a offer of 2 ur surfers one ur Thor properly fused ability 2 a Ssr old GR n 2 ssr+Nick furys I would use that just as a feeder. Wat u think?

    1. You're not really going to use the Surfers and GR. I don't see why you would trade something away just to have to try to trade more to get what you want.

  7. I have 3 ur Thor's ability 2 for 2 of them n one of them ability 3 my wings r legendary wolv n legendary Cyclops both at ability 2 so should I just stay w the im s n start working on a tactics deck!

    1. All up to you. Personally, I don't like tactics decks. If you want cheap and effective go bruiser, if you want the best offense go speed.

      If you are using Legend Wolv and Cyclops as wings then all you need is 3 UR Thor to be boss.

      Up to you what you do but I don't think 3UR Thor for 2 UR IM is a bad deal. I've seen IM go for around 75PP making 3UR Thor not bad.

    2. No it was 3 ur base surfers n a ur Thor ability 2 ,n I got 3 ur Thor's already, I just feel I need defense, ATM I have 3 Ssr+ things all ability 3 w legendary wolve n legendary SS

  8. Thanks for the advice really appreciate it!

  9. So transitioning from a tactics deck to a speed deck. Now somebody just offered me an old LF ghostrider properly fused and m/m for my Friendly Neighborhood UR Spider-man. My question is ... is this a good trade and what should the ghost rider stats be if legendary and properly fused and m/m. So i can check em against what it should be . Help im split :-/

    1. That's a bad trade, don't take it. Old GR is valuable and a great card, but Spidey is just so good, even in its normal form. To give you an idea, the most I've seen GR go for in any trade chat I've been in was 45PP. The Least I've seen Spidey go for is 130PP.

      Realistically GR goes for about 35 and Spidey goes for 140ish.

    2. Thanx lucarda . Didn't go through with it. Instead im getting legendary proper fused m/m silver surfer.As well as a oathbound and UR hulk for it. Figured the cost of leveling a legendary was almost worth the price alone

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Could you update the best SR and best SSR decks?

    1. I'll take a look at them this week sometime.

    2. Although I believe the only thing that would change in SSR is the bruiser wing cards would swap to SSR Event Surfers.

  12. Mid-lvl player here slowly working my deck stronger but seeking mid-lvl advice. DEF deck is led by a UR+ Cap, UR+ IM, & SSR Cap. Would you go with UR+ Mr Fantastic and SSR+ Cap or 2x SSR+ Cap for the wings?
