Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Spider-Man vs Venom Reward Values

I just wanted to make a quick post on the reward values for the Spider-man vs. Venom Event. Then I thought to myself...why? The prices fluctuate so much anyway and currently the economy is shifting quite a bit as players reach high power levels. But then, hell, why not.

UR Symbiote Venom:

Ultra Rare Venom meets a need that players have been waiting to be filled, an acceptably powerful UR Bruiser card. Although players might look at him and say 'hey, he's pretty much an Iron Man with less frequent proc rates!' he does allow bruisers to get rid of those UR+ Thors in the core of their deck. That and the fact he's Venom and extremely limited puts his price somewhere around 300+. Personally though, I wouldn't pay over 200 for him because lets face it, he's an Iron Man.

SSR Wall-Crawler Spider-Man:

Seriously...another Spider-Man? Don't have enough of those. And it does what? Oh, decreases Bruiser attack and defense...yeah...that's not useless at all. Lets face it...this card is just bad. It helps you defend against the weakest alignment offensively and defensively. I bet it will sell pretty solid for 10PP but lets be honest, it's worth 7PP at most.

SR Secret Veteran Arachne:

Actually she's really good for an SR card and possibly the best SR speed attack card now. Her pure boost to speed attack and her future wall breaker event ability makes her a pretty nice card. Unfortunately her abundance will bring down the price. Realistically 3-4 PP each would be a reasonable amount of PP.

R All Seeing Doctor Strange:

Lets be honest. He really has no value. Rares just are nice stepping stones for low level players but otherwise are used to skill up cards.

On a side note. Pretty much every SR quality card is worth 1-2PP each at this point and in a month will probably all just be worth 1PP each.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I am going to say the next raid event is going to be terrible. I dont have a chance at my level with my deck...I wont have a chance...

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. There are various trading networks. A lot of times you have to be invited or request invitations from people in them because you can't just have unlimited people in them. Ask your alliance if they know of any in your range and if you can get an invite. Otherwise you have to search on forums.

  5. I just traded my Thor [ son of asgard] SS Rare for:-
    Spider-man [spider-web]
    War Machine+ [Steel Cyborg]
    Red Skull [ Master & Commander ]
    Black widow+ [rose red]
    All SR's
    Can you tell me whether it was a good deal or not?

  6. Did'nt ask you dude
    I asked Lucarda

    1. Lol, spawn is right, and Lucarda will say the same. Bad deal brah. You gave up the best card for numerous cards easy to obtain. Unless you really really needed those cards because you really have nothing else as good, then I guess it's ok.

      But in this game, if you aren't getting a SSR for a SSR, or a UR for a UR (base cards) in equal value, you're losing out.

    2. But it's as you say, it depends on the need(s) of your deck. If your only quality card was that Thor, and you expanded the overall quality of your deck, good times. Sometimes it takes a trade down to trade up later. It always takes patience and persistence.

    3. Here's the problem. When the game started out that would have been a decent trade. Actually, a pretty damn good one. Recently though all of the SR cards have dropped down to a value of 1-2 PP each...mostly 1pp.

      So, even if you got 15 SR for the SSR, it isn't really worth it. Couple that with the somewhat inflated value of SSR Thor. It's a rough deal.

      If you're deck is in really rough shape I'd recommend looking for something along the lines of 5 SSR+ (Proper) for the card of the same alignment. This would get you to the point where you could compete and start really working toward gathering more true SSR for your deck.

      If you're deck is in okay shape, you could probably trade for a lower quality UR+ (Previous events SSR Iron Man for example)

    4. Okay thanks ��
      I love ur blog btw!

  7. Actually the 2 cards
    War Machine+ [ Steel Cyborg ] &
    Black Widow + [ rose red]
    Are SSR's
    I forgot to mention

    1. They're not true SSRs. The value of the cards is determined at 2x the SR level since they are just the evolved forms. So, 2-4PP each depending on the buyer.

    2. Just to interject here, pp value is derived from both usefullness and scarcity/desirability. In the lower levels, say up to SR or SR+ level, there is a difference between paying and non-paying players.
      In other words Shivam, before you start flirting with UR potential, and even after, if you don't actually spend $$ in this game, make your trading decisions based on how much it would help your specific deck and long term game plan. Don't worry so much about PP "worth" if it doesn't actually help you.

      Peeps are trading multiple Legendary Spideys for Mags and Doom for the PRESTIGE of having Mags and Doom. Even though Spidey is the best card there is. That doesn't make sense from a battle perspective but it does from an economical one because those cards are the most desired.
      So just ask for advice and make decisions for your own benefit, from your own perspective.

    3. Yeah, but at some point you're just taking advantage of people. I know that I can sell SR for a lot more to new players than I could to elite players. On that same note though, new players should be aware that they can purchase SR for extremely cheap from veteran players.

      The fact that somebody may really need SSR+ doesn't mean they should let themselves be exploited by a high level player.

  8. I intend to. I've just been busting my balls with several projects for work. As a result I didn't even get to participate as much in the Raid event as I wanted to.

    I'll get to the updates soon.

  9. Would my Scientific Solution Mr. Fantastic for an Enemy Inside Hulk and a Spider Web Spider-Man+ be a good trade?

    1. Mr Fantastic is a pretty bad card. I'd say it's up to you on that one.

  10. Is there anything useful I can do with all the silver I got in prizes and battles during the event? I have one million in storage, won about a million in contest prizes/bug payoff, and got at least a million or two in shard exchange, on top of the million or two that was already in my present list. I'll spend a good amount maxing my Arachnes, but I don't need it for alliance donation, since I have at least a thousand Storm capes around.

    1. Well, you can blow through it pretty fast if you get a few SSR or UR that you want to level. I suggest keeping it locked up in trades until you get a card you want. It's also great to have around to power level event cards.

  11. Should I trade my
    Master & commander red skull+ &
    Spider web spider man+ for
    Thunder God Thor

  12. Lucarda, your blog is a really great read for people getting a feel for the game. Thanks. I'm at the point where I'm trying to jump from ssr+ to ssr / ur+ though and I feel like it's getting harder and harder to get a good feel for pricing. I have an SSR AP Cap, SoL Cap, and KH Ms Marvel -- can I get a UR base bruiser [maybe Silver Surfer?] for the AP Cap? Is Ms Marvel reasonably equivalent to an IoM Thing? Do you have a guess as to what the event Cap will be worth in the long run -- should I hold it as a trade chip or try and sell it while everyone is excited?

  13. Traded UR friendly neighborhood spidey and sentinel of liberty ssr cap for a leg wolverine and 2 wc spideys... thoughts?

    1. Terrible trade, you got the worse end of that deal, I mean by alot too. Sigh.

    2. I think you are exaggerating, I went in knowing I was losing a little, that's just because wolverine is my favorite character, but I mean, it is still like 180 pp for about 150 total, I only lost a bit

    3. Not everything is pp value, you just traded the best and an ok ability for a bad ability and a garbage one.

  14. Hi Lucards,
    Do you have any idea if the Combat Readiness cards ie Cyclops, DD and Cap going to be event cards the SHIELD enforcement training. I'm thinking of trading DD for Secret Veteran Arachne as I only have one of each.

    1. Even if they are or are not wall breaker cards, I would trade the DD for an Arachne no matter what. Arachne has a more powerful ability. But that's just me.

    2. I'd rather have a pair than a non pair. That's my only thought on it.

    3. Hi Lucarda! I'm following you blog for a while now and enjoying your distant view of decisions and events.

      Over the last 2 month I managed to build up a solid bruiser attack deck and I’m only missing a SOA Thor to complete my alignment.
      After spending 60pp (personal) to get a new Captain America I’m a bit clingy giving him away for less than a Thor SSR. Do you have a rough idea what he is worth? And one more question: I have 2 trades running at the moment and don’t want to agree, as I’m not sure I can make a better trade with those cards:

      My new Capt. For 2x Wall climber
      My UR+ Oathsurfer for a ssr base oath, an old ssr sufer, an ability boom and 15 pp

    4. I hear you about only missing a Soa Thor. I have legendary Skyrider ; UR+ Oathbound and cosmic and decent wing card but need that Soa Thor to put me over the top. Seems everybody is looking for 1

  15. Why is the enforcement training not starting???

  16. Is the SoL Cap worth anything at this point? It's not an event card and its stats seem pretty low for a base SSR.

  17. Its a pure def card has pretty good trade value a lot of people want it

  18. Alright, stupid question... What is the event card worth for? Only to break the walls with added damage? Doesn't seem to make much of a difference on actual battles, right?

    I guess I can def. see the value of a good raid card on events like Venom, but they seem slightly pointless on ones like these, or am I missing something?>

  19. Hey guys I just started playing Marvel's heroes and when I saw how much money I need to buy a hero I was sad ... so I sat down and started a Google all day to find anything free on marvel, and I found for the moment only one site
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