Wednesday, November 28, 2012


In Marvel War of Heroes, as in all trading card games, people over-complicate boosting. They start to get into the deep math of it and pretty soon you have mathematician figuring out exactly how much every level costs on each card. Personally, I don't care for the long winded explanations.

Boosting Levels 1-30:
The easiest and cheapest levels to boost, I recommend players use common cards found in Operation two. When boosting in this level range I recommend beginning by using any cards that are not of the same alignment that are found. After you run out of these cards, start using cards of the same alignment.

The reason for this is that at lower levels, it is cheaper to boost. At higher levels, it becomes more expensive. Cards of the same alignment offer a higher boost. By doing it this way you reduce overall silver cost.

You should also try to boost 10 cards at a time. The reason for this is if you do it only a couple at a time you'll experience every price hike as they happen since at each level is a price hike. Bypassing levels, bypasses price hikes.

Boosting Levels 30+:
When boosting cards in this bracket it can get expensive. The cheapest way to do this is to first fuse all the cards farmed from Operation two and then using them to enhance. Although fusing the cards costs silver, it is less than than the amount per card at level thirty or higher and it will allow you to better bypass levels, thus bypassing price hikes.

(For this I recommend fusing the uncommon cards in these early missions to their are forms, the boost is huge and this way you can sell all the normal cards you find to offset. This will take longer but will save on silver.)

The same rules of using any alignment at starter levels and same alignment once you run out of them. 

One you start hitting very high levels boosting in SSR/UR cards it becomes worth it to start using ISO-8 if you have it. It saves you a fortune and ensures three levels. I normally recommend you do this on the last ten level home stretch.

Don't waste time boosting cards you're not going to use


  1. Hey Lucarda

    I'd like to add you on Marvel... do you think maybe you can save a spot when one open up?

    My IGN: mikuo0628

  2. How critical is that the cards should be from the same alignment when boosting?
    I mean, is it a slight difference? A big one maybe?

    1. It increases the chance of a big boost occurring. It's not critical enough for me to worry about using the same realm card all the time, but I try to group same realm if possible. If I don't have the cards to group same realm, I don't worry about it.

  3. I think that keeping it loose like Lucarda states is the best way to go. I have to agree that farming 2-3 and 2-4 is the best means of boosting. It takes me a while to boost a particular card, though, because I stop boosting with common/uncommon cards at level 10 instead of 30 and start fusing my uncommons for everything 11 and up. That said, I should probably give this method a shot.

  4. Btw, Lucarda... I recognize you from the RoB posts. Glad to see you here, too. :)

  5. I remember seeing something somewhere that had the exact math on how much XP each card as worth and whatnot...but it's just silly to go that far. The amount of extra time it would take to do would FAR outweigh the amount of silver you are spending doing it this way.

    The reason I don't use fused cards until 30 is the price/time of fusing. You can start doing it earlier and save silver, but the amount of savings is soo small compared to the extra time it takes. At 30 the cards start getting pricy and it evens out a bit.

  6. question when leveling ability should you merge the cards or just use the flat UC card?

    1. Depends on the card you're leveling the ability on. I generally merge to rare but the lowest rarity card I've ever leveled an ability on was SSR+

  7. Is there a benefit to using more powerful cards as the booster cards?

    1. Takes less time, costs less silver because you get more XP per card.

    2. Thanks, I was confused because it was warning me about using a Rare card.

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. One more question, is it best to boost a card all the way up, then merge it to the + form (which resets to level 1) and boost all the way up again?

    1. Boost all the way up if you're going to keep it. fully boosted cards carry over 10% of their current stats to the final form. non fully boosted carry over 5% of their current stats.

      If you DO NOT boost both cards up fully AND max the mastery of each card before FUSING them, you will GROSSLY devalue the final form. And it can't be fixed.

      I know players who incorrectly fused Ultra Rares and ended up selling the Legendary form for only a couple HP more than 1 Ultra rare because they ruined it.

  9. I have a quick question about boosting. When you M/M a card and the "mastery awakens" come that does not happen all the time? I did it with a SR, but that option never came up. Is there something I can do to get that to happen?

    Also, starting to do this the right way, I have some good cards I want to work up..SSR and SSR+. Boos them with uncommons in the beginning and then rares after say level 20? Would you fuse two rares to get a SR then use that to boost my SSR, or use the two Rares...i hope that makes sense...and, I dont need to M/M my rares to use them as booster cards right?

    Thank you.

    1. PP - see my reply to Rebeck below, that is the only way I know to guarantee that you are constantly gaining mastery. That and you can raise the priority on your mastery farming deck to #1 so when playing levels those cards are gaining mastery for the energy used (ie- level 2-1 played for awhile will boost 1 mastery to a card there at random points while later levels will boost 10-13) It is just a matter of properly keeping check on your cards stats and moving them into the proper decks once they are mastered

  10. Hi can anyone help me. I have problem with stats on boost. My lvl and Xp are maxed. Mastery is not. I understand that when it is I get a bonus. But I have been told my atk should be higher than it is just now. Plasma sculpture first human torch + u rare. Atk 7602 def 8198 lvl 70/70 mastery 157/200. Xperia maxed. I have been told I can get atk up with boosting certain cards. I've tried various cards. Some with and some without abilities. And different levels of rarity. Nothing seems to work.

    1. Make a quick deck that has your cards that you want to master quickly in spots 1-3 (even just these this is a utility deck that is going to be constantly changing)
      Find a farming 10 DEF account there are a ton of lists for these online
      Battle these accounts several times a day, switching out your cards you are mastering once they are finished, yeah it is hard to spare the PP during events but there si usually a few days to a week of downtime until the next one so that is the time that I use for Mastery and Booster foder farming (hell I am farming to quickly Max a pair of Pyros for the SHIELD event currently going on - yeah at the same time as this farming is fun!

  11. Lets say I have a card I'm boosting with cards of all 3 alignments, and another of the same card that I'm boosting with only cards of its respective alignment. Would the end max values be the same?
